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Stepping Up For the Greater Good

Roland Youakim

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Stepping Up For the Greater Good


A good friend and I are going to do the 1000 steps - Not once, but 52 times! Yes, you read that right. Non-stop. We are insane! But more importantly, we are passionate about this cause and want to do something super challenging to get people to donate. And whilst it will be hard, it's nothing in comparison to what some women and families have to go through!

We'll be fundraising for Safe Steps to raise much-needed funds for an amazing cause that's close to my heart. An organisation supporting women and educating men surrounding domestic violence. If you would like to support my fundraising efforts it would be amazing! Any donation, big or small, would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much!

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safe steps Family Violence Response Centre

Safe Steps is the only 24/7 family violence response centre in Victoria, providing a state-wide entry point for victim-survivors of domestic and family violence. Safe Steps delivers programs at a state and national level. Our services include information and referral, crisis response, specialist family violence risk assessment, safety planning, andaccess to supported crisis accommodation. Our practice is trauma and violence-informed and guided by evidence. We provide services to all victim-survivors and recognise that most of our work is dedicated to the needs of women and children, which reflects the gendered nature of domestic and family violence.

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